High sustain skirmisher that is low on heat and has no ghost heat whatsoever. Ranges are pretty well synced, with both ER micro lasers and heavy small lasers ideally fired at about 100m (up to around 200m for the micro lasers if you are firing them opportunistically). The micro lasers run quite cold, while the hotter small lasers amplify the damage significantly for steady targets. A[6D<1[0pS0LN7|NC|NC|l^qS0JN7|NC|NC|l^rH0iN7|LC|LC|LC|l^sH0mN7|LC|LC|LC|l^|l^tX0nN7uX0oN7v<0hN7w505050 For a mech with very little tonnage to spare for weapons and heat sinks, these are relatively heat efficient weapons that are highly positioning-dependent (the only thing the fragile Viper is better at than most mechs in the game). They also happen to the be the highest DPS per ton weapons in the game, and since the Viper is just heavy enough to mount 15 heat sinks to cool them, and since the Medusa has more laser hardpoints than other Viper variants, this build seems like one of the best options for this variant that doesn't duplicate what is possible on other Viper omnimechs. I'm struggling to think of another light mech (effectively what the Viper is) that can carry 15 heat sinks and a large amount of lasers. In short: dominate quickplay through the DHS metagame with a non-metamech (as long as you don't meet an early death).
If you are ok with less head armor, you can swap one micro for a heavy small without breaking ghost heat limits. Alpha and max dps go up, sustained dps takes a small hit.
I am personally not OK with it, but it sounds great! I prefer having all of the same lasers in the arms only but the arm/torso convergence time is so fast on the Viper that it is probably just fine. High sustainable alpha is so important in this mech that you could probably even trade a heat sink for it and still have it work.