Casual TNS-HA "UCN" (3xLRM10+A, 3xLL, TAG, ECM, XL300)

Thread in 'Hangover' started by CarloArmato, Nov 4, 2019.

  1. CarloArmato

    CarloArmato Professional Potato Carrier

    Unexpected Counter Nascar

    Best played as a mid range harasser by placing yourselves somewhere close the enemy nascar, but far enough to force whoever wants to brawl you out in the open and being backstabbed but your own team nascar.

    Place yourselves at ~500 meters from the enemy nascar (or when you suppose the enemy nascar will pass by) and wait for it. Once in range, poke or keep on firing until you get some attention and you need to either move or stop poking for a short time to cooldown or wait to not being focused anymore, then repeat.

    Your only true threat are fast lights and mediums, so be careful to not engage them and to not attract their attention: let your team manage them, because your job is to disrupt the enemy death ball / nascar and/or score backstabs.