STK-5S "TFun-shine Build" (2x LRM15+A, 2x LRM10+A, 3x ML, 2x AMS, TAG, BAP, STD250)

1 rating

Thread in 'STK-5S' started by Michael, Mar 25, 2014.

  1. Michael

    Michael Grand Poobah


    Originally this build was suggested by TFun90. All I have done to it is a little placement adjustment for the ammunition based on my own preferences for how I run my mechs.

    This is a mech I am putting through some serious testing as I used to run an XL 4x LRM15+A build but TFun isn't a phleb so when good players suggest something others should at least give them a good test out.

    I'll report more after a few matches.
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 3, 2014
  2. Michael

    Michael Grand Poobah

    So here is my report...


    It is slow as shit. If you are PUGing it make sure that your PUGs don't leave you behind or you will be dead. Chum in the water. Seriously. But if you can roll with a group that will watch your back you can rain the pain down upon your enemies head...

    The STD engine, while slow as hell, REALLY makes a difference. My survival rating has gone up at least double what it was before. I have finished matches with an entire torso blown off yet still able to fight (and steal kills).


    This one was with all my LRMs blown off and just my MLas left. I managed to slug it out with the last 3 enemy mechs and killed all three of that. That HBack that was left on my team? He had like 1 Medium Laser left LOL
    Last edited: Dec 14, 2014
  3. tfun90

    tfun90 Advanced Member

    Probably best used alongside a scout who can drop UAV, NARC, spot, and play bodyguard (JR7-K comes to mind:
  4. Michael

    Michael Grand Poobah

    With a scout you can do 1000+ damage easily. Having that NARC and someone to TAG for you really allows you to bring it down on their heads. I've included a 2nd screenshot in my report (two posts above) that shows what can be done with a scout working for you.
  5. Jay Z

    Jay Z Well-Known Member

    I saw you testing this last night while I was running my Urbanmech and LRM100 Stalker (and the occasional good mech). It seemed to be working OK. It is kind of similar to my "Marinara" 3H build which has an average damage of ~600. I do like this implementation on the 5S though with artemis.
  6. Michael

    Michael Grand Poobah

    Last night was actually a rough night for me in this mech. I was extremely distracted by the wife wanting to watch Game of Thrones to catch up and asking me all sorts of questions. I remember seeing you several times though in that LRM stalker. Give this a whirl man, see what you can do with it and see how ya like it. The double AMS is bad ass, the Artemis HURTS if you can keep a constant stream up and the STD engine has saved me ass about 4-5 times now where I have been completely stripped of both torso and am a stick.
  7. tfun90

    tfun90 Advanced Member

    Heard that LRM spread is based off rack size and not the tube count it comes out of. If true I'd look to drop it down to quad LRM10, reducing ammo count to compensate, and boosting engine/DHS/backup weaponry. You'll still have 6 launches to shake with, tighter spread, and a much more dyamic build, anyway. Non-AMS build, put it on a 5M for 2 10's in the arms and 3 5's in the side torsi.

    Something like


    Rough drafts, I need several drafts to get a LRM boat balanced and optimized, they're not as straightforward as DPS mechs.
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 3, 2014
  8. Excalibaard

    Excalibaard 101 010 Staff Member

    Only seems logical, it's the same for SRMs.
    Last build is already available in some form here:
  9. tfun90

    tfun90 Advanced Member

    May as well chime in there too, thanks for the leg work.
  10. Renegademaster

    Renegademaster Well-Known Member

    I've been thoroughly testing this build recently, and when setup properly chews through mechs, i took out 3 Assaults almost single handedly with it!

    My own variation:
    • Mounts small lasers in the arms to save heat and tonnage, i only really use lasers for within 180m so this works fine
    • Dual AMS for LRM duelling
    • With an LRM-15 Cooldown module achieves continues fire
    • Slightly faster with a 275

  11. tfun90

    tfun90 Advanced Member

    Updated for quirks/modules, I'd go with:


    All LRM10's so you only need one LRM cooldown module, then MLas range so you can pew while you TAG. As always, you can adjust DHS/ammo/engine/armor/AMS/laser array to fit how you expect to play.

    I'd probably rather play a HBK-4J now, tho.
    Last edited: Apr 22, 2015