This is a build that I have spent some time working on and tweaking, I did it up like an LRM boat, with lasers to add a bit more punch. I also use the twin AMS to counter other LRM boats. I did have 1080 LRM ammo, but I ditched 1 ton of it for extra AMS ammo because I found it was chewing it up very quickly.
This looks quite dangerous assuming you are using Scouts to TAG for you. Do you not burn through LRM's at a crazy rate? You may also want to consider exchanging one Med. Laser for a TAG to make you more self sufficient. I like the build, these are just suggestions. Mythweaver
So far, having played several rounds with this build, I have not run out of LRM ammo, I also use my lasers if I have line of sight, need to watch my heat when I do. As for swapping one of the meds with a tag, I like that idea and I will give it a shot.
This build has apparently been lurking here for quite some time. This is a stupendous build and an absolute blast. Averaging around 600DMG per match. Definitely an extremely good build. "Backup" weapons are perfectly fine for engaging normal targets with. 10/10