Surprised this wasn't up here already. Great heat, good alpha, dual AMS and near full armor what more could a man want? Okay okay but no WAY yer gettin THAT! Chain the lasers but alpha the missiles and I don't care who you are yer going to know you were hit. Or chain everything for 17 seconds of spam happy face melt fun. 600 SRM ammo means you get 25 full alphas with your missiles and let's face it if the enemy is still standing after that you have bigger problems than ammo. If you are better at heat management than I am go ahead and swap those LLas out for ERLLas. Oh and in case you did not know...what am I thinking of COURSE you guys know or you wouldn't be on MechSpecs... the Stalker DOES have missile doors and benefits from having them open like you would on the Catapult. Found this out while testing the build...who knew cause my noob arse sure didn't.