This loadout is designed to provide coverage from all distances and -as the name suggests- is intended to hunt down priority targets. The biggest weaknesses of this setup are the ridiculously low heat efficiency and a limited supply of ammo. Because the ammo supply is limited, it makes sense for this loadout to hunt down priority targets within the enemy lines. Twin AMS are extremely useful to advance towards the enemy lines from positions that usually have low direct fire coverage but are easy to cover with LRM barrages without taking too much damage. Mauling the flank of the enemies while they have to answer the main force at their front will provide useful one way or another (either they focus you weakening the front or not and let you do as you please). Being able to hit at all ranges makes it easy to switch targets once a priority target has been disabled or changed making the Headhunter Loadout a capable all range offensive fire supporter. ... Or at least that's what I think. If you agree or disagree and/or have suggestions how to improve the design, feel free to add them to the comments.