After testing 6 and 4 PPCs and ERPPCs I stick on this new setup I am enjoying a lot. That is my Crippler Mech, heavy armored, fast for an Assault, relatively good heat efficiency and effective at all ranges below 900 mts. The best is engage at 500 range mts, if you are skilled enough you can pin point arms and legs for Crippling your enemy. At short range it is also decent, as you can sustain a lot of punishment and pin point the head for a fast kill. The 300 STD ENGINE is pretty good providing good speed and maximum heat sink capabilities. If you want to improve the heat efficiency you can drop the Endo Steel and add 2 doubles, but you will to decrease the armor, which can be something trick. For grouping I use 3 groups: Group 1 - Left weapons Group 2 - Right weapons Group 3 - All arm weapons to shot mechs above or below. -23 -23 1-3 1-3 1-- -2- I hope you Enjoy.
The all-arm group can work for shooting over ridges as well. This build would work on the 4N, 5S, or 3F, as would a lot of builds. I'm partial to the 6xPPC boat, but I can see the appeal of 6xLLs. That's almost as much firepower, but twice as efficient.
I use these groups: 1 - left arm 2 - right arm 3 - torso just press mousebuttons 1 and 2 if you want to use armlazors, press one of the mouse buttons when high on heat, and for alpha include pressing 3. easy mech to pilot, lots of damage (sadly the 1 sec burn time + low turning rate of the stalker means it's likely going to spread a lot if they're moving.
After the Quirkening, this became my favourite IS assault IS build, heavily competing with my beloved 4x or 6x LPL Wubshee. The Stalker's high weapon placement really helps alot. Slap LL range + cooldown modules level 5 on this build, it is a real monster!
4N is my next mech just for this build. Much looking forward to it. Also, hate to be that guy, but shouldn't the engine size/type be in the thread title?
Yep, this mech is for real. Would go with slightly different armor, shaving a bit off the arms to reinforce legs and frontloading the torsos more.
5/5, Can't believe I hadn't rated this thing before: fantastic build, great DPS, and manages the heat well. The high mounts on the arm lasers are great for just about any map, giving you firing points that are both above the cockpit and close to the center as well (hard to catch them on friendlies or terraine). The torso points are a bit lower, but still pretty high up in comparison, making this a great mech to use for peeking over terrain. Thanks to quirks, it runs well even on the hottest of maps. This is one of my heavy hitters in both CW and regular drops, and never lets me down. Even better? Effective today, PGI changed LLas ghost heat, so firing 3 at a time does not fall into ghost heat generation. Firing 4 still affects your mech as if you had fired two too many lasers, but it means you can use two groups of 3 lasers and get through your burn time much faster. Has made this mech into an even bigger beast than it was before. The heat change is temporary, but it may become permanent later like the AC2 changes did.
5/5, Why can't I quit you STK-4N? I keep trying alternatives to this mech in my CW drop deck but nothing seems to work as well. This is the least sexy most reliable build I've found. I score pretty much the same points with it in a win or a loss in solo queue and when I drop it late game in a CW match I leave a a line of one legged Arctic Cheetahs behind for lesser builds to finish off.
I just recently took this out again. Since LL are 3x now for ghost heat, my weapon groups are: 1: Left side (arms and torso) 2: Right side (arms and torso) 3: Arms on chain fire 4: Torsos This gives me the ability to do 3 at a time or to peek without using ghost heat.