Just for fun, really trying to exploit the 4N's amazing large laser quirks. Not as durable as a typical standard engine double heat sink version, but fun, and you don't want to be close anyway.
1/5, No point in using the SHS shit in this build. DHS one functions better and faster. Waste of cbills to take DHS off, and idiotic if you don't put DHS on in the first place. Think about this, same weapon, faster engine that is STD even, and an extra ton for you to put things in. Try this, you will be better with this.
yeah, Ideally I'd just go STD310 as you will never overheat anyway, you can actually alpha sometimes too, so if you happen to have max STD engine possible I'd just go with that, some extra agility too.
It doesn't come with doubles, It was just sort of a fun lets see how it would work experiment before I threw doubles on it. Totally viable for someone who doesn't want to buy doubles if they are just leveling this to get other stalkers mastered. Cheap build since it also doesn't require endo either.
Yeah but it uses an XL275, a "lemon" engine that not anyone might have(I know SHD 5M was on sale recently, but was still like 4,5m) , that cost much more on it's own then DHS. It's cheap because you already got the engine
Exactly! Damn Shadowhawk engine has to be good for something! I'm going to add doubles, and probably endo and maybe a couple SRM's. Just kind of fun to play it a bit different and see how effective it could be as its hard to make anything worth a shit at all with only singles.
I've gone over to the full 4 LL as well. You really don't need secondary weapons. This is where you want to be. Really going to want Radar Deprivation here, as well as the LL cool down and range modules.