Basically a clan archer... that can jump. I group the torsos into one weapon group and the arms into another, then stagger fire the two groups. You CAN alpha if you so choose for the situation, but can get very hot very quickly. You can run this build on any Huntsman variant, but it does require the P and PA omnipods which are not included in the Standard package. Even when this mech is available for C-Bills, the build will only be possible with the Pahket side torsos which would require you to own that mech. Optional changes: drop left arm DHS for max armor and 1/2t ammo.
You also need Hero Side Torsos! That, and when you have P arms, better leave it on the hero unit for more cbills and that paintjob.
Yeah, I run it on the Pahket for those reasons. I changed the title to be HMN-PA because it really is the better bet, plus it will inform people this build requires the hero in order to get the right omnipods.
Without +A you can do this, a bit cooler and a bit more ammo. Swap AMS for TC/ammo if you want, I am just filling up the tonnage :