The poking glass cannon that everyone hates and will ruin the day to your target... Or you will be ruined if someone manages to brawl you. Anyway, NEVER alfa strike with this build or your own monitor will melt down due to ghost heat. This build has slightly less sustained DPS compared to the "classic" 2xLPL + NxcERML (3.55 VS near 3.78) but has way more alfa strike and damage over laser duration, which means you will poke with less frequency, but you will deal more damage per poke: 72 damage in just 2 seconds, 1.55s + 0.5 second of delay for the 2nd fire group. You should prioritise heavies and assaults over mediums (you should ignore lights if they are not standing still or if you are sure they haven't an IS XL engine) and poke them when you are either sure they won't fire back at you or when your friendlies are engaging (so you can both be a diversion or share a little of your armor). When there is an assault in range, aim for the side torso: there is nothing worse and frightening than a medium 'mech capable of coring a torso in just one poke because he should be very worried when you are going to strike again.
4/5, Fire 2 Lasers, Fire the other 2 lasers in 0.5 seconds. Result: 72 high mounted damage in 1.8 seconds on a 90 kph Medium. A very powerful fire support mech.
5/5, I like builds like this that require more thought during the match... plus, people will remember you, and your Hunchiee
We might have made the exact same mech! Here's an updated link:
I don't exactly remember it, but it very looks like a mech I would build. For even more HLL vomit shenanigans (and mostly play it as a heavy / assault flanker support), maybe it could be worth to drop the engine, drop TC1 and JJs in favor of +3 DHS overall