Campaign Griffin 2N Bouncing Brawling dodge tank pair

Thread in 'Griffin' started by kuchikirukia, Sep 22, 2021.

  1. kuchikirukia

    kuchikirukia New Member

    [​IMG] [​IMG]

    The first one's NARC has the second Griffin doing 21 damage per SRM, for a 504 point alpha with no real heat issues even when jumping every turn. The first gets the advantage of the NARC on its next turn.
    400 rounds of SRM ammo on each means you never run out. Only 6 NARC ammo means you'll run out of that quite often, but by then the enemy is decimated. (Could swap out one of the SRM ammos for another 6 rounds of NARC and even the mechs up at 300 rounds/3 SRMs 400rds/4 SRMs and technically have more overall damage potential, but I like to have more missiles in case I have to dump a bunch into turrets/buildings)

    6 evasion pips on max jump with Surefooted pilots, with another 2 effective pips (that can't be removed) from the +3 defense gyro plus innate +1 for medium mechs means that they just never get hit. Just one in your lance gives you something that is FAR tankier than an assault mech since nothing ever hits you. As the AI often splits its fire between frontline mechs, with two it's insane. I don't think I took more than 200 damage in total across the entire second half of the campaign. Bulwark + Ace Pilot is the way to go.

    Rangemaster is there so you don't accidentally lose the spotting for your long-range mechs as you're jumping back. No need for cockpit since you won't be taking any injuries outside an unlucky headshot.
    Last edited: Sep 22, 2021
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