Another simple build for me, I kinda like having a "big gun" from the ERPPC. Weapon groups 1. ERPPC 2. 2xML 3. 2xLRM10 4. TAG
Great build Vergere. I did modify it slightly. Puts less emphasis on the LRMS since I'm still not very good with them but increases DHS to utilize the ERPPC a bit more. The MPLas are also really useful against lights that try to take you by surprise.
how does the heat play out, Verg? I think I'll give this one a try; I see a lot of single erppc builds while playing against others.
I use the ERPPC to take down ECM if need be, or just to open parts of mechs. The LRM's are the main weapon, in combo with the TAG. The ML are backup when your opponents are inside of LRM range, just like the ERPPC. So try to keep the heat down by relying on the LRMS before the ERPPC. Chain fire works well with the LRMS as well. Keep that right side shielded, and keep bombing them till you can't. Then use the ERPPC and ML to brawl when the ammo runs out.