LASER DURATION: -15.00 % ENERGY RANGE: 10.00 % MISSILE COOLDOWN: 10.00 % MISSILE VELOCITY: 10.00 % ADDITIONAL STRUCTURE (RA): 18.00 ADDITIONAL STRUCTURE (LL): 13.00 ADDITIONAL STRUCTURE (RL): 13.00 Been experimenting with my trusty GRF-1S, and then I wanted to play as a sniper, and this came out. Turns out its pretty good. Solid heat management, decent speed, firepower and range. Basically a large sniper light mech. Downsides being the large frame of the griffin model and low weapon placement on the right arm. Variants: Trade off speed for confidence around enemy lights. This for some more extra punch. Medium ranged support (partial cradits to Aylek)
1S was partly used on long range maps in the MRBC by some teams when the league was skirmish only. So yes, this is viable. ;-) If you want 'some more extra punch' I'd use SRMs as you're a bit soft close up. Something like this:
When I play as a sniper, I would stay as far as possible from enemies. So, the ones who get close to me would be lights and from my (little) experience, SRMs against lights is not very effective. If I were to use SRMs, I would replace ERs with regular and play as medium range support mech. * UPDATED: Even more variant.