Good laser mixes

Thread in 'MechWarrior Online' started by skribs, Apr 18, 2024.

  1. skribs

    skribs Min-Max Maniac

    I've been playing around with different mixes of lasers that tend to line up pretty well with each other, and may be superior to simply boating something in-between. Some combinations I use on IS are:
    • LPL and ML
    • LL and ERML
    • MPL and ERSL
    Are there other mixes that work pretty well together? What about for clans?

    (I know HLL and ERML is common on clans, but their cooldowns don't line up well).
  2. Re: clan

    Since clan smalls and mediums are locked to the same ghost heat penalty group, not much you can do to mix types.

    SPL and ER micros time well together. Not a lot of mechs have 10 plus energy hardpoints and the speed to make that worthwhile especially against (or with) certain long range play styles. Piranha, Stormcrow, Nova?

    LPL and ERML are decent and warm for midrange. Probably one of the easier playstyles for consistent results, especially with ECM or great quirks (heat/cooling).

    LPL and MPL, I guess for laser brawling.
  3. Gasboy

    Gasboy Advanced Member

    LPL and ERML work decently well for Clan. The heavies can do 2 LPL and 5-6 ERML generally.

    SPL and ERµL, Gargoyle and Executioner are terrifying, speed and short range firepower make a great "HOLY Ffff how did you get here so fast and where'd my torso go?" surprise. Also works decently on the Stormcrow.