Check it out. This is what I've been using to grind my Firestarter-S, and I've found that it works extremely well as a support-role Light. Although it doesn't tend to get very high damage scores, it does gather alot of EXP from Spotting and Tagging Assists (as well as an occasional UAV thrown into the mix ). And with an ERLLaser for range, and 2 MLasers to add to your firepower up close, it actually manages to hold its own fairly well in a fight. The dual-AMS further enable it to support the team by countering LRMs, and if you find that you need more than 1 ton of ammo, you can always drop the engine size to a 280, or trade 2 JJs for another ton. As I have it, though, the 3 JJs allow me to maneuver fairly well, and get to great spotting/tagging places I otherwise wouldn't be able to reach. Overall, I've found this 'Mech to be VERY productive. Who needs damage when you can get tons of C-Bills and EXP without it? Like this match from tonight, for instance, when I was running TAG support for my friendly LRMers. No premium, no double-XP or first victory; but just look at those numbers!
I very much agree, epikt. Even just a simple "AMS Assist" whenever your AMS destroys missiles which are targeting a friendly, and which would otherwise have hit that friendly. We have a "UAV Assist" which grants a nice C-Bill/XP reward; how about an "AMS Assist"?
UAV assist is NEEDED, cause UAV costsvcbills per pop. IF there is no cbills reward most people in pug would not do it. I rather keep that 40k for myself for example. I do agree AMS assist would be good, but the bonus should be capped and limited. max 50xp and 40k cbills would be nice, and xp/cbills should be awarded every xx number of missiles destroyed. That way people cannot grind just by running around with 2x AMS and shooting at lrm missiles.
The UAV bonus is so peanuts anyone worried about money should not use it, since he will always lose at least 20 or 30k. I'm OK with it. The bonus is not meant to reward the payment of the UAV, it's meant to reward the utility of its use. In a similar fashion the utility of AMS should be rewarded, no matter if it's free. I have absolutely no objection on people grinding taking off missiles with double AMS. (but actually, given the rate of other assist bonus, it would be faster to grind with a small laser boat => you won't see mechs with AMS and nothing else made for grind purpose)
Don't you think a second ton of AMS ammo should be added? You could remove one of the JJs and use SLas instead of double MLas.
Had another good match Spotting/Tagging with this thing. Not quite as much money as the one in the OP, but still very impressive for a light with no C-Bill bonus of any kind; and I actually got more XP in this one, so it's all good.
Damn man, i've been running almost the same one for months. should have posted here too.. It is an excellent support build.
The new ammo rules allow to remove one JJ in favor of half a ton of AMS ammo and keep the original weapon setup. This makes a lot of sense if you ask me.
Totally agree, Aylek. There's actually alot of builds in different 'Mechs that the ammo half-tons have helped . . . loving it.