Firebrand "Now with Fire!" (2xPPC, 2xAC2, 2xFlamer, XL300)

Thread in 'Firebrand' started by Excalibaard, May 17, 2017.

  1. Excalibaard

    Excalibaard 101 010 Staff Member

    My first build since skill patch, to try a write-up of optimal skill tree configurations.

    Since the skill tree patch, people have been running hotter than before. Especially lights that focus on mobility and auxiliary skill classes will have very little points left to spend on maxing out their heat gen, and that's what we take advantage from by equipping two flamers.

    Yes, 2 flamers as backup weapons. Not only is it thematic, but if you can overheat someone, it's easy to take a few steps back while they're overheated and hammer in with your PPC+AC combo. Flamers don't generate heat at the start of firing them up, which keeps you capable of fighting with the real weapons.

    I used to run PPCs+AC5s and an XL280, but the AC5 velocity was lagging behind the PPC velocity quirks too much, especially when taking velocity in the firepower tree. You're free to try it out with ERPPCs as well, though the heat is very noticable!

    Recommended skills to aim for:

    Firepower: Velocity, Heat Gen, Range, Cooldown, Magazine Capacity
    29~41 points: Avoid the middle section of the tree. Not worth going for that last 2% velocity. Try to pick up all heat gen nodes and get the velocity/cooldown along the way. If you want to save 10 points for elsewhere, skip Heat Gen 5 and 7 and the range/cooldown nodes leading towards them. Velocity 1 and 2 nodes easily lead to CD 4 and 6 so they're easy pickups, but can be shaved off for an extra 2 free points. If you want more ammo, forget Heat Gen 5 and go for magazine capacity with the points from the left side of the tree.

    Mobility: Speed Tweak, Anchor Turn, Kinetic Burst, Hard Break, Torso Yaw
    22~30 points: Speed Tweak is essential for quick movers. Anchor turn is a better choice than Torso speed, as high torso speed will make aiming at long range harder (as long as your mouse has no DPI setting). Burst&Brake are nice for popping in and out of cover, reducing exposure time. Yaw can be good because you have no lower arm actuators so you can combat a bit more effective at closer ranges, but I prefer Burst&Brake nodes.

    Sensors: Radar Depr., Advanced Zoom, Target Info, Sensor Range, Seismic
    19 points: Get 100% radar derp and see everyone who invested in target decay cry. Start right to also gain advanced zoom and just get everything along the way to radar derp. Seismic Sensor 2 is also an easily available node for pickup and invaluable in urban maps. Seismic 1 node is a bit further out of the way and not really worth it IMO.

    Operations: Heat Containment, Cool Run, Hill Climb, Gyros
    0~18 points: You don't really need this tree, but if you have points left, why not? It improves performance on hot maps with less dissipation. Speed Retention vs Gyros is personal preference, you won't get legged often when staying behind cover, but you won't take much fire either at long range. I skip Heat Containment 5, but get every coolrun node. Hill Climb is nice as you can poke over steeper ridges a little easier.

    Auxiliary: 1 point in extra slot. Bring a coolshot or strike or something.
    You could invest more heavily in this to improve coolshots (sustain flamers and PPCs even longer), or strikes (great additional damage tool for sniper/spotters) but the points are better spent elsewhere IMO. You have plenty of heat dissipation for most cases and strikes are good enough on their own.
    Last edited: May 17, 2017
  2. Excalibaard

    Excalibaard 101 010 Staff Member

    Now without fire:

    Same principle, but without the flamers, with extra AC2 disruption.