I've had huge success with this template. (Please take a look at Mythweaver build although I still use mine his is pretty awesome) With 89.1kph (Upgraded) I rarely find many other heavy mechs going that fast and it allows you to get into an advantageous position. I have seen faster Dragons but these are hit and run mechs. This is best used for supporting heavier Mechs whilst being in a good position. Not to mention it has the speed to brawl lone slower Mechs. It has maxed out upper armour but the legs are a little low with 23 which is also packed with the Mechs ammunition. However this is actaully it's strength. Seeing that the upper part of the Mech gets hit the most it dramatically decreases the chances of a critical explosion and makes it a very stubborn Dragon. With it's low profile it rarely has its legs hit. I find in matches I very rarely lose my legs as your opponent is to busy targeting your already vulnerable centre torso. Has very good firepower (41) when comparing it to other Dragon templates. What is great about this is if you are in a large mech clash then you rarely find people target you first, they'd much rather go for the big boys. This thing very often gets unnoticed and can quite easily get itself in an advantageous position to deal huge damage. Which is what I regularly do. It's also relatively good at all ranges without being particularly weak in any area. This is a great powerful all rounder. Used correctly will get you a huge damage score. I think my record was 800 or 900 + but it was such a long time ago and can't quite remember. Maybe higher. This is a Fang template but it goes fine with others except Flame.
I'm finding that I lost my legs too much at 44 armor... can't recommend mid-20s on a Dragon at all! The legs are huge and 1 airstrike will kill ya :O
Changed a bit. Think it is too slow for a dragon though. On the side noite, if you want this, it is EVEN BETTER on a flame! The highmount ballistic hardpoint in the ST is great for gauss, and you can have the LLas in each arm. My recommandation. Drop one LLas and move it to ST, get 2x MLas, you get to keep the XL300 and have more armor while keeping similar damage mid range. Extra DHS keep it just as cool.