Lets get this party STARTED! Here is some of the most fun I have had in this baby. It almost qualifies as a "Carry Harder", but I like it for here better.
Totally your build! SPL version. The Griffon pilot and I were rollin' there at the end. Great chase-the-squirrel and holy-$#!+-that's-a-big-mech interplay. Similar to Han and crew on Endor. Ultimately we pulled off a "Not-The-Win", but it was so much fun.
So close... first ever match in a Koala was 965, using a compromised build (too cheap to buy that second LPL), and no skills/consumables. Did have adv. seismics though. Almost got cored, the final Atlas was spamming LRMs as I cored his Thunderbolt buddy. Was able to use MASC to break LOS, then the remaining Victor and I got within the min range and he was easy pickings. Needless to say, I bought the second LPL to replace the ER PPC and plan to kill many more things in the future.
I love this Mech (2x cLPL, 7x cERSL, 2x cSRM4) Build: https://www.mechspecs.com/threads/exe-d-devastator-2x-clpl-7x-cersl-2x-csrm4.9874/
(2x cUAC5, 3x ERML, 4x ERSL) Build: https://www.mechspecs.com/threads/exe-d-deathwish-2x-cuac5-3x-cerml-4x-cersl.9876/
Highest Damage score since now in ANY mech for me. 6spl Lbx 20 build. heatcontainment and cool run unlocked, radarderp.
My main mech... not the first time but it was the first time I pressed 'print screen' **Apparently the image has now disappeared because the image uploading site I used (postimg) seems to have removed it
Hi, I am one of the returning players from Battletech, played a little bit when the game was newer, but playing more heavily now. Anyway, I picked up the exe-ch from a sale, I like the chassis from a lore perspective but realised with its long arms it was not considered a very strong mech. Anyway, I loaded it out with ATM 24 in high shoulder mounts and gave it a glowing red fist as a backup weapon. The mech is nearly mastered now to give an idea of how long I have played it and I just got my highest damage ever and 1 of the only times I have broken the 1k mark. I thought it was a good round, in lrmlands I pushed to a flanking position ahead of my nascaring team and poptarted atms most of the game, being mostly in the 2dmg per missile range and some particularly good volleys in the sweet spot to the enemy anh.