COM-2D "NARC-omeba" (1x MLas, 2x SRM2, 1x NARC, ECM, XL160)

Thread in 'COM-2D' started by psychosmurf96, Feb 7, 2015.

  1. psychosmurf96

    psychosmurf96 Active Member

    First off I love MWO and use mechspecs all the time for cool builds so I thought I'd make a post of my own finally :) Also feel free to add me on MWO (IGN: psychosmurf96) since I need people to play with and clans to join :p

    Just got the 2D cause I needed a cheap ECM mech. used to piloting Hunchbacks and Centurions with a LRM Atlas S and Half Dakka Crab thrown in here and there, so this is a new realm for me. My current LRM support build, dunno how I feel about it.

    Current Medium Laser Build:

    WG: 1-ML 2-SRM(chain) 3-NARC
    Even More Supportive Concept:

    WG: 1-Tag 2-SRM(chain) 3-NARC
    What opinions do you guys have or advice? Note C-bills are kinda lacking in my department so idk if I can get a larger engine anytime soon :(
    Last edited: Feb 7, 2015