I Actually have this build and I noticed an issue with Smurfy so I will get that out of the way, Smurfy doesn't account for the armor bonus in the Left Arm (GAR-Prime Left). if the armor was there, you would basically subtract the difference from that arm to aquire the extra tonnage. Aside from this, I found this build to be very interesting in performance. Packing 2x std LRM 20s and 12 ERuL, this build boasts a cool loadout with great potential for aggressive play. Us the LRMs at distance for either closing or for long range engagements. The LRMs are effective up until you get too close (this may vary from person to person, I prefer to stop shooting cLRMs at 140meters). Suprisingly, depending on your discipline, ERuLs work nicely when in combo with LRMs in a brawling scenario. Use the LRM arm and shoulder for shielding when brawling. The ERuLs are fired in groups of 6 (group 1 - Body Lasers, group 2 - Arm Lasers). Alpha Striking is safe in this mech but best results can be reached with firing groups are alternating (low heat draw from lasers allow for more aggressive movements). For best effect, focus legs and/or open components and never push alone.
Allows putting all the lasers in one group while avoiding 15.64 ghost heat. The two ERSL are in the arms might just be enough to pop a UAV that is outside of ERuL range. If you are having a hard time keeping getting/keeping locks. Consider upgrading to Artemis. It looks like it makes the lock box bigger. Maybe back closer to the size of the original four cornered red square.
_ I played both builds and I feel that either build or a mix of the two actually have viability, as in potential to be meta. Here is a hybrid of the two, Keeping your ERul/ERSL and maintaining sensory and making out the armor in the Left arm, making it good for shielding when needed. Skill Tree will boost ammo capacity and armor. This build looks solid and feels really good. Only 2 weapon groups needed. Artemis is not needed because of the distance you will want to operate at, there is no reason you should struggle with locks (personal experience and opinion). I really think you all should try this build. It brawls, it flanks, it LRMs, it pushes, it intercepts. Its cold, hits like a freight train and great for removing Limbs and legs, not to mention the recycle rate on those lasers. Its a nice Hybrid of brawl and Support. It has my LRM Boater's seal of approval!!!