"The idea of the challenge is to build the highest firepower LRM Gargoyle mech you can!" The rules are as follows: 1. You must us ONE of the Prime Omnipods for Right and Left arms. You can use any other omnipod, from the center to the feet. 2. You must have enough ammo for 20 LRM volleys MINIMUM! 3. cAP is required, any other equipment is up to you. EDIT- slight rule change, and direction added. And that is it! Try your hard luck, and build the best(or worst, you opinionated mech builders) Gargoyle?
Don't you kind of restrict the variables when you say "You must use these arms, have enough ammo for 20 LRM volleys and have cAP"?
These rules are in place because 1. these 2 arms are the only omnipods that support MISSILES 2. cAP is a basic requirement in a BASIC LRM MECH 3. 20 volleys is so you can actually DO DAMAGE
Single LRM20 with Artemis (couldn't fit decent ammo and secondary weapons with 2xLRM15). 1170 LRMs is 58.5 volleys, more than the 20 required. Small Lasers outrange the minimum on LRMs, giving you 0 deadzone.
Increasing the cERSLas to cERML, adding AMS and TC1, and reducing the ammo to 900, divide by 20, getting 45 volleys, but with a firepower of 35 with just the cERMLas, that is impressive. You could even take A+ off, and get an extra ton of ammo! Thank you Skribs for the inspiration, your build is a nice one!~!
If I were to own the GAR-P chassis, I might just run this loadout. Again, inspired by scribs, so this won't qualify as the best. But it does look like fun!
Now that we can have one non-Prime arm, how about this for damage? Wubs for days, still has 720 ammo for 36 LRM shots, and no dead zone thanks to those lasers. No TAG, but since we're going strictly for damage here... Alternate, removes 1 ton LRM ammo (still 27 shots) for a TC1: Edit: Fixed first link.
If you are doing a LRM boat you better be specialized. cAP is definitely needed, I want TAG but the hardpoints are too low for it to be good. I decide not to use +A. While it is quite useful on IS LRM, the continuous firing nature of clan LRM means you can do without it and still be fine. Finally for those situations where your lrm is blocked you have a cERLL as backup/pseudo-zombie. A pair of cMG allows for late game armor stripping, for the unfortunate CQB situations (so you can retreat with your speed) or for when you run out of LRM eventually. I know some would prefer another ton of ammo, but I have had quite some situations where some MG does help, although you can swap for a cERML instead). Not the best build, but decent for leveling. This one is a Hybrid build. Less of a LRM boat but a LAM mch with some close range ability. The cERML is actually pretty decent as a weapon, and you have enough DHS to go with it.
Indeed... Despite the name you can't even put JJ on this thing. Then again if I remember right all original LAMs are mostly "Valkyries" (Yes I use the CORRECT name of it from Macross) so they don't translate well into this game. Now if they would include the ones from the later macross series... Remember kids, you can't do well in these LAM without playing music on the side. It is a Law.
Indeed... Despite the name you can't even put JJ on this thing. Then again if I remember right all original LAMs are mostly "Valkyries" (Yes I use the CORRECT name of it from Macross) so they don't translate well into this game. Now if they would include the ones from the later macross series... Remember kids, you can't do well in these LAM without playing music on the side. It is a Law. New songbird(s), new Valkyries, old song. Oh yeah Hime is a dude, just in case.