The Hammer is a Sniper/Brawler mech. It has the range to reach others across map but if you get to close it will kill most with 1 alpha. Heat is usually not a problem as long as the ppc's are on chain fire. It also takes advantage of the new quirks that give you -12.5% to energy weapon heat so it cools way faster then expected. The large pulse can be fired any time by its self without generating heat and you can watch your heat still drop just firing it alone. The SRM's are great for close combat and for swatting lights that get close to you. And finally the BAP is also great for helping to find targets for your LRM friends or you could change it out for a tag and more ammo.
Im not sure it adds 12.5% heat effciency or adds a 12.5% of the heat u currently have. If thats the case, its aprox a 3% more for ur build, only when firing the energy weapons, and i think it overrules the risk to take a XL engine in a so big mech. I may be wrong anyways, as i dont own an Awesome, but those are my 2cents. EDIT: Theorycrafting a bit, i think that u can get a good compromise with this other. I basically took out the 1/2 ton of SRM, u will never run dry with 500 and 2 SRM6s, and downgraded the LPLas to LLas, that have similar range and dmg profiles, but weight 2 less tons and builds less heat, being the downside the duration, LPLas lasts 0.6secs to deliver dmg and LLas 1sec. Used that weight to add other DHS and AMS: