The Shieldbreaker is a multipurpose Assault mech, able to soften up enemies at range with a PPC, and then move in for the kill with a devastating blow from 3 SRM-6's and 3 Medium Lasers. When playing this mech, I like to follow the blob, and slowly push towards the front lines, softening up targets with the PPC at range, before getting within SRM range and letting the SRMs rip em apart. It's on the slow side though, so good positioning is key. 4 tons of SRM ammo gives you 22 shots with all 3 SRMs, and a bit of change, usually enough to obliterate any mechs giving you trouble. Even with 25+ Heatsinks, it runs a bit hot, so be wary of using the SRMs and M. Lasers too often in CQC. You can also upgrade to an XL engine for more speed/more weight for ammo or heatsinks, but I generally don't like using XL engines on my Awesome's- they have pretty easy to hit side torsos.
I have spent a lot of time with PPCs and have more kills with them than any other weapon. When they add the disruption thing to them, they prolly will be better than gauss. I mean, c'mon, no ammo, so you just shoot twice as much. You can get by with lower HS with them, you just have to pick your shots carefully. I bet the single one on this build doesn't cause much in the way of heat problems at all, but the srms will tear it up, and the enemy.
Hail, Bit slow for me, so I have put together a variant with a STD 300 instead. This is not an Atlas and should not be used like one, but when it comes down to the final fights in a game it is effective. Regards,
I noticed you put 0 on your back and with your speed you'll be dead right at the beginning if a scout/light gets behind you.
The only thing I thought to change was to add DHS and upgrade the Engine. Push in All the DHS it would hold and boost the armor by 1/2 ton. Same Ammo, Same weapons, just faster 'mech, better heat and a pinch more armor.