A pair of PPCs for some range and some close range pain with speed and AMS. I was afraid the 9M had set the bar to high but I feel this mech pulls it's weight nicely.
i think this is a good build! I would drop Artemis because SRM4s dont have a big spread like SRM6s. You can use the free slots/tonnage for another DHS and... hmmm how about MPLas?
I like the OP and mod from blagg. This seems like a better loadout for this mech, and you can almost use it on a BP.
I have a hard time piloting these awesomes, with all the snipe tarding and fly tarding that is going on. Not to mention those GODDAM lights (PUGs with 7 lights are pretty common to me). The PPCs are placed relatively low, so sniping means exposing your torso, leaving you vulnerable to being hit by the enemy snipers. The flytard Highlanders and Victors are even worse, because you can't really brawl them. But with this layout I had my first good match in an AWS, not dying to early, good front armor, enough ammo and firepower. 5/5 stars from me for the layout. I pray PGI will fix maximum number of lights in a PUG, fix JJ regeneration (they need more cooldown), fix lights armor - speed relation (they are way to durable for their speed, or way to fast for their durability), and fix ballistics heat generation (to effective for their firepower).
If you move the DHS from the left arm to the right arm you can pull the armor off the left arm and use it as shield, this frees up enough space to go full 3xA-SRM6. That's my take any how, since the left arm doesn't have any crit slots any way.