So you were undecided, to go with PPC boat or missile boat. You took AWS-8V, because you could do both, with (miserable) results. But then you realized that you would take 8Q instead, because you've found @Excalibaard 's AWS-8Q "Stock+++" (3HPPC 1ERML STD285) build. Fret not, here is an adaptation of it for you. _ Code: Build Code: AO082:31|gb|i^p^0|i^|i^|i^|i^q^0|H@|H@|i^rZ0|i^sd0|H@|i^tk0uk0v@0|F@wQ0F0F0 Skill Code: aff5fdfdf74dc4040b9733cbe839f090000000000e86f17f1180000000000 PS: Beware of Ghost Heat though, 8V doesn't have 8Q's HSL +1 quirk for PPC's.