AWS-8V "79 Point 4" (3xLRM15, BAP, TAG, 3xMPL, XL300)

Thread in 'AWS-8V' started by skribs, Jan 17, 2015.

  1. skribs

    skribs Min-Max Maniac


    This is the 8V version of my standard LRM build. TAG, BAP, big LRMs, and lots and lots of ammo. It is 0.6 tons underweight, but I ran out of room and don't really have room to upgrade anything without either sacrificing something important (like a lot of ammo, some LRM tubes, or engine rating), or without mixing and matching too much. In other words, anything to upgrade it would be a new build, not the same build optimized better (from my perspective).

    Weapon Groups:
    1 - LRM Alpha + TAG
    2 - LRM Chain
    3 - TAG
    4 - MPL Alpha + TAG

    General play tips:
    1) Alpha more on cold maps, chain more on hot maps
    2) Alpha when you know you'll get a good hit or two in, chain when you will be sustaining DPS (to avoid Ghost Heat) or when you're running hot
    3) If your team isn't giving you good locks and drops targets a lot, use chain fire until they start holding targets to avoid wasting ammo
    4) Use the MPLs only as close-range weapons or to pop specific targets. This mech runs hot with just the LRMs as it is. Don't think of it as a Mech you can do a full alpha in for maximum DPS. Think of it like an FPS where the MPLs are your pistol, and you can't use your pistol and rifle at the same time.
    5) When shooting at something big, that your team is also focusing on, get a couple hits in early to tag the assist and soften it up, then cool down a bit, and then fire again when they are open to get the kill
    6) You don't have ARTEMIS, so Line of Sight isn't critical, but it is useful if nobody else is TAGing the targets.
    7) If you click the chain for one shot and then the alpha for one shot, you will do a 15-30. Timed right it can get 45 LRMs out faster than chain firing 15-15-15 and without the Ghost Heat of doing all 45 at once. Timed wrong and it will be less DPS than alpha and still give the Ghost Heat.

    I started playing this Mech, because I'm currently leveling Locusts and the only other Mechs I had kitted out were my CW drop deck, which have too much ammo for normal matches (my AWS-8T, for example, runs with 4500 LRMs for 30 tubes). I wanted something that would have a better chance of getting a kill per match than my Locusts, the only one that I consistently get kills in is the 5xSPL variant. I got the 8V in the last CBill sale, and I have all the other Awesomes leveled, so its a good time to level this one.

    Overall, I like this Mech. I shut down here or there, but if played right it doesn't run too hot. I've gone below 25% ammo a few times, but not run out yet. So far, I'm 11-9 W-L, with 23-13 K-D, with an average of 514 damage per match. Considering my overall is 1.01 KDR, I think this Mech does pretty good.