Casual TBT-7M "Light Killer™" (3xSSRM6, 3xSL, BAP, XL325) + alt (4xJJ, XL300)

Thread in 'TBT-7M' started by CarloArmato, Nov 11, 2019.

  1. CarloArmato

    CarloArmato Professional Potato Carrier


    Reverse engineering a 3xSSRM6 trebuchet build I met some days ago... With 3xSL added as icing on the cake.

    This is probably the most unfun build you will ever met when running with a light because this thing is fast, incredibly cool, will counter your ECM and fires a devastating 36 damage missile salvo every 3s. The additional 9.9 damage from small lasers will help you to kill a target even quicker or when facing a bigger foe, but this build is absolutely wasted (and is going to be wasted) when facing anything bigger than a medium mech.

    ALT: XL300 + 4xJJ

    Or go full JJs for maximum madness and "SURPRISE, MOTHERSNIPER!"
    Last edited: Nov 11, 2019