16 horrible losses in a row then a sweet win killing 2 x 228th, an EMP and a 4 20 in a really close match..not convinced it makes up for it!
Oh! Are you talking about the Urbie leaderboard? I was testing builds friday evening and had some good games, so I guess I collected few points.
Anyone have a copy of previous quirk details? (The version pre 2nd Dec with the JM6 quirks basically)
Thats would include the person shooting up their own team and being abusive on comms then...... I'm after who their commanding officer is.....
Why do the worst players in game say "U Mad Bro" to demonstrate their lack of intelligence or inability to play properly?
No I just taunted him about his 166 damage and 0 kills in a King Crab compared to my 701 and 2 (of our 4) in my test 3 LL TDR. He really was awful.
Trying to test an old X5 build with wall to wall DWF's, TBR's and SCR's piloted by Lords, SRoT etc.... possibly not a good time
The painful moment in a Locust when you scout the enemy team and see a Raven so sneak to it... then get a faceful of srm's and macroed mg's
+5m day 1 in a mix of the Jester and Pirates Bane. Nothing great though but c-bills nice. PB probably better as get very fast into a match.
Ok +5.2m so far today so time for a break. Looks like the 48m target before the resistance pack is achievable.
Suspect it was just people needing to adjust as its not a lot better: 9-20-40-31. Ok thats still not good tbh.
Marques was down to 3 pts needed when I logged so hopefully he made it. His brother was steadily adding them.
Oh what,... they extended it??? Darnit I could've made it then,... Wait, no, there was real life over the weekend. And real laser fights (auch my old legs,... )
Check this sale out. I know you want to have a Idris on your own account but if thats not possible this is the cheapest offer i have seen in a LONG time like. I'm even considering jumping on this myself its that good. Guy is selling his OB/VB account at cost so this is the cheapest way to get a Idris now, you can then sell the rest of the ship quite easily off and make back what you shelled out for the whole thing.
https://robertsspaceindustries.com/pledge/Standalone-Ships/Cutlass-Blue-Anniversary 2 years insurance - the normal version (Black) and medical ship (Red) are 6 month though
Someone save me from the ridiculousness of this patch - 5 x 100 tonners each side every match this evening literally