All custom builds and discussion, related to the Centurion, are posted here.
Discussion of the CN9-A variant of the Centurion chassis. This variant has 1 Ballistic hardpoint, 2 Energy hardpoints, and 3 Missile hardpoints.
- Threads:
- 39
- Messages:
- 322
Latest: CN9-A "Piss'r-Off'r" (1xLGR, 2xMPL, STD250, DHS, Endo, FF) krevLL, May 9, 2020 -
Discussion of the CN9-AH variant of the Centurion chassis. This variant has 3 Ballistic hardpoint and 3 Missile hardpoints.
- Threads:
- 29
- Messages:
- 177
Latest: CN9-AH "Bite the Bullet" (1x AC20, 3x SRM4, XL255/XL225) Durandal, May 8, 2021 -
Discussion of the CN9-AL variant of the Centurion chassis. This variant has 4 Energy hardpoints and 2 Missile hardpoints.
- Threads:
- 36
- Messages:
- 214
Latest: CN9-AL "Another Gladiator" (4xMPL, 2xSRM6+A, LE270) CarloArmato, Dec 10, 2018 -
Discussion of the CN9-D variant of the Centurion chassis. This variant has 2 Ballistic hardpoints, 2 Energy hardpoints, 2 Missile hardpoints, and is capable of using a bigger engine than other Centurion variants.
- Threads:
- 44
- Messages:
- 257
Latest: CN9-D "shark" (1xLBX10 2xML 2xRL15, LE300) +alt (XL) Excalibaard, Feb 19, 2018 -
Yen Lo-Wang
Discussion of the Yen-Lo-Wang Hero variant of the Centurion chassis. This variant has 2 Ballistic hardpoints and 2 Energy hardpoints.
- Threads:
- 19
- Messages:
- 206
Latest: Yen Lo-Wang "Two Shots" (1xAC20, 1xLPPC, LE300) Remover of Obstacles, Aug 29, 2021
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