Frequently Asked Questions


How do I post a build on MechSpecs?

Your post should contain:

  • (Optional): Add a skill tree build
    • Kitlaan Skill Lab
    • PGI Skill Code: Please post your import/export code in code brackets
Please avoid to creating new threads for builds that already exist AKA 'duplicates', in order to avoid having too many different threads about the same thing. For ease of definition, a build classifies as duplicate when the weapon loadout in the original post is identical to another thread, even if other factors like the engine and additional equipment are different. Look for and create your post in the already existing thread for that build.
When you create a duplicate build, it will be merged with the older thread i
f it has had new comments within 1 year and can be found on the first page. Only under rare exception moderators may deviate from this guideline.

Please try to have only one build per post, so each can be rated/evaluated separately. Alternate builds are allowed by shortly abbreviating the differences with the original build.

What are the Code of Conduct on MechSpecs?

Welcome to the MechSpecs forums
, an MWO discussion forum, targeted towards topics regarding high-end mech customization, mix/maxing and analysis of game mechanics.

First, a point of clarification. We work on a Three Strikes System. Your third strike will be your last.

The people that participate here at MechSpecs are some of the best pilots out there. We have high standards for the discussion that occurs herein, and are quite unapologetic about it. If you feel our rules are stupid or arbitrary, we don't really care. If you don't wish to follow them, you are welcome to return to the official Mechwarrior Online forums and participate in the chaos over there.

The following is our Code of Conduct. You are expected to adhere to these protocols as they are put in place to make this community run smoother than some of the other MWO boards out there.

Please keep in mind that our goal is to promote good old fashioned clean(ish) fun, as well as informed discussion, or even debate, on all things related to MechWarrior Online; however we wish to do this in an environment free of toxicity and bullshit.


While this Code of Conduct is a guideline to help our moderation staff deal with problematic issues, it is by no means final; each case will be weighed by the Moderation Team and dealt with according to the actual severity of the incident. While we generally utilize a Three Strikes Rule, if you break these rules to a degree, that warrants immediate banning, trust that you will receive it.

What is MechSpecs?

MechSpecs is a community platform based around the free sharing of builds in MechWarrior Online.

MechSpecs differs from other MWO build sites in that it aims to be a completely community-run platform, making anyone able to share and comment on builds they enjoy playing, while other sites will generally only list builds that are 'meta'. Since piloting a good mech vastly improves your chances to win, see this as a knowledge base for people who are looking for builds that are not only efficient, but also fun and/or original!

How do I use the rating system?

Each thread has a 1 to 5 star rating system on the top of the site.
Click the rating you wish to give, and eventually provide an argument for your rating in the comment box, to show why you like or especially why you dislike a build.

Community-driven ratings are currently our only way of filtering the good, the bad, and the ugly. It's not a perfect system, but in combination with the prefixes it provides a way to assess the power level of a mech build in the vast sea of different builds showcased on the site. By rating builds - especially ones that don't have a rating yet - you contribute greatly to the site by making builds easier to browse.

NOTE: Smurfy links are not immediately recognized when used in the rating system. Click 'Edit Post', save without changes and refresh the page to fix it.

I made a mistake! How can I edit/delete my thread?

On the top-right, click 'Thread Tools'. Select the option you need there.

Which pre-fix do I use for my build?

- Casual: This descriptor is probably going to be most common. Workable builds which are not necessarily top-tier for the chassis, but not a mess either. Examples of these builds are ATM Stormcrows, Medium Pulse Laser Hunchback 4Ps, et cetera.

- Budget: A descriptor for builds that are not expensive to build for a new player. Use this for builds which use a stock/common engine and don't get many upgrades for example, or omnimechs that do not change their omnipods too much. I expect this to be used relatively niche, but it could be good to have more of this type of builds on MechSpecs.

- Meme: The 'Meme' descriptor is for all zany, wonky, mad scientist builds, that aren't so much effective as they make for a good laugh. Examples of these are: 6HPPC banshee, 8 Flamer Firestarter, or basically anything TheB33f thinks of.

The other two prefixes can have overlap with the previous ones, but are still useful to have seperately:

- Scouting: Specifically for builds to be used most effectively in the Faction Play scouting mode. These builds usually run less ammo due to less targets, and put it into the engine or weapon loadout.

- Invasion: Specifically for builds that are used most effectively in Faction Play invasion mode. These builds are usually meant for more sustained fights at longer ranges.

- Solaris: Only for builds to be used in Solaris gameplay, these will not rely on consumables and generally pack little ammo.

Why do I have left-over tonnage when I make a build in-game?

90% of the time this is because of copying the armor values from a smurfy build. Don't follow smurfy by the book when it comes to armor. Use an import link if it is provided!

Many mechs in-game have armor quirks, which give 'free armor' that doesn't weigh anything, in addition to the expected amount of armor a mech should have (for example: Annihilator, King Crab, Atlas). Smurfy doesn't take this into account. If you build your mech using Smurfy's armor values, you will end up with left-over tonnage because you removed more armor in comparison to the maximum value.

In order to fix this, go for a fully armored mech and only then remove armor in the same way it's removed from smurfy (example: 43/56 armor on a location means 56-43 = 13 armor taken away). Take note that many builders don't redistribute armor for the reason that it's inaccurate anyway. Figure out your own preferred front/back armor ratios.

In the other 10% of the time, if fixing the armor doesn't solve your issue, double-check if you're missing ammo, or using the right engine, for example.

How do I make a correct title for my build?

Make sure to include the Variant, an abbreviation of equipment on your build, and a unique name for your build in the title. There are many examples to use on the site!
We suggest that in order to get the best feedback on your build, you adhere to the standard format described below.


The standard format differs depending on the type of mech: Battlemech or Omnimech.
Battlemechs are the mechs where you can swap engines and change upgrades, such as the Battlemaster and Mad Cat MKII. They're organised into their own variants on this site.
Omnimechs are the mechs where you swap out entire components of different mech variants, such as the Sun Spider and the Stormcrow. They're organised into a single forum of 'builds' on this site, with an exception for builds that use hero omnipods, which cannot be obtained without owning the hero.

Battlemechs: VARIANT > "NAME" > ( > WEAPONS > EQUIPMENT > ENGINE > ) +Alt*

Omnimechs**: CT VARIANT > "NAME" > ( > WEAPONS > EQUIPMENT > ) +Alt* +Set***

JR7-D "Grimm Variant" (4xMLas, 2xSSRM2, AMS, XL300) +Alt(LE280, STD250)
TBR-C "Burninator5000" (2xcLPL, 2xcSRM6A, 3xcERML, TC3, cAP) +Set

While summarizing the weapons and equipment we advise to use these standard abbreviations;

# = Applicable number for rating.

STD# - Standard
LE# - Light Engine (IS only)
XL# - eXtra-Light Engine

JJ - Jump Jets *
* Classes for these items are determined by mech weight and therefore not necessary to mention.

AC# - AutoCannon (2, 5, 10, 20)
UAC# - Ultra AutoCannon (2, 5, 10, 20)
RAC# - Rotary AutoCannon (2, 5)
LBX# or LB#X - LB-X AutoCannon (2, 5, 10, 20)
(L/H)GR - (Light/Heavy/original) Gauss Rifle
(L/H)MG - (Light/Heavy/original) Machine Gun

(S/M/L)L - (Small/Medium/Large) Laser
(S/M/L)PL - (Small/Medium/Large) Pulse Laser
ER(S/M/L)L - Extended Range (Small/Medium/Large) Laser
(L/H)PPC - (Light/Heavy/original) PPC
SNPPC - Snub-Nose PPC
ERPPC - Extended Range PPC
FL - Flamer

LRM#(A) - Long Range Missiles (5, 10, 15, 20) (with Artemis)
MRM# - Medium Range Missiles (10, 20, 30, 40)
SRM#(A) - Short Range Missiles (2, 4, 6) (with Artemis)
SSRM# - Streak Short Range Missiles (2, 4, 6)
RL# - Rocket Launcher (10, 15, 20)
(L)AMS - (Laser) Anti-Missile System
TAG - TAG Laser
NARC - NARC Beacon
ECM - Guardian ECM

No hardpoint
BAP - Beagle Active Probe
CC - Command Console
SA - Stealth Armor
TC# - Targeting Computer Mk. # (1-8)

cAC# - Clan AutoCannon (2, 5, 10, 20)
cUAC# - Clan Ultra AutoCannon (2, 5, 10, 20)
cLBX# or cLB#X - Clan LB #-X AutoCannon (2, 5, 10, 20)
c(L/H)GR - Clan (Light/Heavy/original) Gauss Rifle
c(L/H)MG - Clan (Light/Heavy/original) Machine Gun

c(u/S/M/L)PL - Clan (Micro/Small/Medium/Large) Pulse Laser
cER(u/S/M/L)L - Clan Extended Range (Micro/Small/Medium/Large) Laser
cH(S/M/L)L - Clan Heavy (Small/Medium/Large) Laser
cERPPC - Clan Extended Range PPC
cFL - Clan Flamer

cATM# - Clan Advanced Tactical Missile (3, 6, 9, 12)
cLRM#(A) - Clan Long Range Missiles (5, 10, 15, 20) (with Artemis)
cSRM#(A) - Clan Short Range Missiles (2, 4, 6) (with Artemis)
cSSRM# - Clan Streak Short Range Missiles (2, 4, 6)
c(L)AMS - Clan (Laser) Anti-Missile System
c(L)TAG - Clan (Light) TAG Laser
cNARC - Clan NARC Beacon
cECM - Clan ECM

No hardpoint
cAP - Clan Active Probe
cTC# - Clan Targeting Computer mk. # (1-7)

It's important to list how many of a certain weapon are equipped on a mech. This is done by putting a '#x' in front - where # is the quantity of that weapon - without a space.

CN9-YLW YaoYao's Wang (1xAC20, 2xML, STD275)
CPLT-C1 Grimm Variant (2xLRM15A, 3xML, TAG, BAP, AMS, XL300)
* Instead of abbreviating the alternate build(s), you can simply put "+Alt" in the title if you have alternative variations on your build. 'Alternatives' are defined as mechs with the same weapon loadout, but different equipment or engine. If your variation has different weapon loadout, consider if it warrants another thread.
Optional: add the defining alternative engine/equipment in brackets such as "+Alt(STD300, LE325)"

** Because Omnimechs have a fixed engine, They're not necessary in the abbreviation.

*** If you're using a build with only components of the same variant, indicate this by writing "+Set" behind your entire build title. This is handy if you make a build centered around set-of-8 quirks. Builds that do not have the 'set' suffix may require additional omnipods to be bought.

My Smurfy link doesn't work! Help!

In order for smurfy links to work correctly, follow these steps:

  1. Copy the 'Plain Link' after saving your build
    1. DON'T copy the 'Forum' or 'HTML' links. We have an API installed that automatically changes the plain link into an embed. If you copy this other link, you'll end up with a lot of broken code in your post.
  2. Make sure the link has 'https://' in front, as shown in the image below.
    1. A link with just 'http://' will NOT work.
  3. Done.


PLEASE NOTE: You MUST do this right the first time otherwise XenForo will assume it is a regular link and parse it as a clickable line. If this happens to you, remove the link and start over. Alternatively,

1. Select the link XenForo has made.
2. Click the 'broken chain' symbol in the bar on top.
3. Insert the "s" into the link, as shown in the image and guide above.
4. Save changes.

Why is a correct title important?

Our search engine can only find specific words. If you use a non-standard abbreviation for your title, it will be unlikely that people can find your build through the search engine if they look for specific equipment. If you want people to comment and rate your build, make sure to use the standard abbreviations.

How do I post an image on MechSpecs?

There are multiple ways to include an image on MechSpecs.
It is recommended to do this through an online image sharing platform.

1. Upload your image at a sharing platform (Imgur, Discord, etc.)
2. Copy the direct link.
Make sure that the link ends in ".png, .jpg, .gif, .bmp" or any other image file extension.​
3. Click the image icon in the text editor.
4. Paste your link.
5. Done.

Screenshots posted on Discord can also be shared this way.

If you want to upload directly to MechSpecs, that's possible too, though the file size is limited to save server space!

NOTE: Imgur's Gallery function is NOT supported by MechSpecs. Use the 'Direct Link' as described in Step 2.

What happens to my build if my title is incorrect?

It will sit there looking silly!

Generally, having a wrongly structured title only means your build doesn't get the traffic it could get.
However, if it has been reported, chances are a Moderator will come and re-title the build the way it is supposed to be done.

How do I get people to comment/rate on my posts?

The easiest way is to take initiative and comment on a recent build yourself, preferably similar to yours. You can find recently active builds for example by looking at the 'New Posts' on the top of the page. Make sure that your comment contains more than 'nice build, check out mine', if you want to get a helpful response.

Another way is to actively engage in our small community in the General section and make yourself known!

What do I do if I see a wrong post?

Please make sure to report all posts that do not adhere to the code of conduct (in your opinion), so that the moderators can deal with it swiftly.

If you see a wrong title or smurfy summary, you can report these posts or notify the thread starter of the FAQ!

You can use the following code to refer someone directly to the FAQ:
where '#' without apostrophes is the number of the question you want to refer to. The number can be found in the URL.

For example: the number of this question, which has the URL
, would be referred to as
The correct code (with number) is also described on the right of each individual question.

What is a 'Benefactor' or 'Star Lord'?

Benefactors and Star Lords are people who supported the site by way of a donation.

This is a 100% non-profit community-run site, so all donations will be used to keep the site going for you as long as possible! We highly appreciate the support given to us, so in return we provide our supporters with Premium Content not available to regular registered members, which is handy for frequent visitors.
This includes things like the removal of all google ads, premium sale and build guides, a personal Bookmarking tool to help you keep builds readily available for reading and tracking and widespread discussion in the Benefactors' Areas of the site and the discord.

For more information, check out the 'Donate' tab!

How can I get rid of the Google Ads on MechSpecs?

Upgrade your membership!

It takes money to keep the site running, and advertisements are our main source of income to keep doing this. You could help us out by clicking the ads if they interest you, as each click is worth more than just being displayed. Alternatively, if you can spare a donation for us, you will get the benefits of becoming a Benefactor, which includes removal of Ads.

For more information, check out the 'Donate' tab!

Can I use my export code to post a build?

Currently, PGI export codes are not yet supported by the site as the main way of sharing builds.

Many people will be able to evaluate your build without piloting it and the export code does not display the build layout until it's loaded in-game. Therefore it's much preferred to have an out-of-game image/link that displays the build for easy feedback.
They can however, be added in addition to a link from Smurfy, MechDB or an in-game screenshot of the build, as described in another FAQ.

Where can I find your Discord?

The link to our discord can be found on the main page when you're logged in to your account!

How do I delete my account?

In the current day and age it's all the more important to keep track of your online footprint.

We're sad to see you go, but of course you can have your account deleted. Send a message to @Excalibaard or one of our moderators, and they'll handle the removal of your account.

When your account is removed, you can't post anymore. If you do want to keep participating on the forum, you can also opt to hide or obfuscate your personal data, and/or limit messages or mails that you can receive. You can alter these settings from your profile page.

How do I change my name?

You can't.

It's not possible in our forum software to grant users permission to alter their username. If you want to have your name changed, contact @Excalibaard or staff, and we'll sort it out for you :)
FAQ Manager ©2015 Iversia from RPGfix.