SHD-2K "NBA" (1x PPC, 1x NARC, 2x LRM5, 2x Mlas, 5x JJs, XL300)

Thread in 'SHD-2K' started by Sjorpha, Nov 8, 2014.

  1. Sjorpha

    Sjorpha Active Member


    This is a weird build I came up with yesterday, I find it super fun to play. I also like that it is a kind of tricked out stock loadout.

    You jump up and put a PPC+NARC in someone, then you lrm him until it's time to jumpnarc someone else. If someone comes too close you just retreat while shooting the medium lasers. Since you always have a choice between jumpsniping and lobbing missiles it is extremely hard to anticipate your next jump.

    I'm not getting any monster damage scores but I'm usually doing quite well and having very fun matches.

    Hardcore version: I'm going to try this one when I've elited the mech, it's too slow and hot on basics.